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UC Learning Center FAQs

Account Access

New Employee:  Why do I get an error "user account does not exist"?

The UC Learning Center (UCLC) is strictly for "active" UC employees in the UCPath payroll system only.  Access to the UCLC is autogenerated by an active UCPath payroll account.

Once an active UCPath account has been established, it will autogenerate a UCLC account within 2-3 days following the start date OR active payroll account, whichever date occurs later.

  • If have an active payroll account but not started work, must wait until after start date to receive UCLC access.
  • If started work but payroll account is not yet active, must wait until payroll account is active to receive UCLC access.

See more on account access.

Student:  Why do I get an error "user account does not exist"?

The UC Learning Center (UCLC) is strictly for "active" UC employees in the UCPath payroll system only.  Access to the UCLC is autogenerated by an active UCPath payroll account.

However, all others who require training access, may request affiliate access.  Please read the information below carefully to ensure you do not request the wrong access which will significantly impact and delay your access.

Student Employees

  • Students who are student employees will automatically receive UCLC access; see "new employee" FAQ.
  • Student employees must NOT submit an affiliate request.  Doing so will significantly impact and delay your access now requiring additional troubleshooting and duplicate accounts to be merged, which will take days/weeks to process.




Why am I receiving an error message when accessing the UCLC?

You may be accessing an outdated URL link.  Be sure to always log in via the UCLC webpage.  You can also try logging out completely from the UCLC, close all browser tabs, clear browser cache, then try logging in again.

If this is your first time accessing the UCLC, please see "account access" FAQ section.

Why is the ecourse not working?

This is most likely due to a computer browser compatabiltiy issue.  For all browsers, you must:

If you continue to experience issues, please also do the following:

  • Switching browsers - please try a different browser.  Chrome has the highest reported success rate.
  • Try using a different computer.
  • You should always completely log out of the UC Learning Center, clear your browser cache, then try again.
  • IMPORTANT:  The UCLC is not supported on mobile browsers.  We recommend completing trainings on a desktop/laptop computer to lessen any completion/system errors.

See additional trouble shooting tips at:


Known Issues

UC Sexual Violence Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

When a leaner moves between supervisor or non-supervisor appointment, they may display as OVERDUE for the training.  If this happens, please notify for further troubleshooting and include details regarding the change in employement and effective dates.  Employment changes may require verification with the UCPath payroll system.



Have questions related to managers?


Mandatory Trainings

How do I verify the status of my mandatory trainings?

You can verify your training status directly from your required training analysis (or select the REQUIRED TRAININGS button from the UCLC homepage).

To provide proof of completion, email a copy of your completion certificate from your training transcript; see self-help video: Viewing Your Training Transcript

What does my training status mean?

Your training analysis page lists your assigned required/mandatory trainings.  Although the assigned status displays "acquired", some assigned trainings have a required retraining so it is important to pay attention to the due date and/or expiration date.


Assigned Date the date the training was assigned to you
Due Date the date the training is due; notifications are based on this due date
Last Completed the date you last completed the training
Expiration Date the date the training will expire (if it is a recurring training)
Assignment Status
  • Assigned status means you have not completed the requirement.
  • Attended status means:
    • you have completed the requirement
    • and the training is NOT a certification
  • Acquired status means:
    • you have completed the requirement
    • and the training is a certification
    • if there is an Expiration Date, the training is a recurring requirement
    • if Expiration Date is blank, the training is a one-time requirement
    • IMPORTANT:  For a recurring required training, an "acquired" status displays on the training analysis page but an "attended" status on the course registration page
  • Expiring Soon status means:
    • there is an approaching expiration date
    • NOTE:  check Expiration Date


Who do I contact regarding the content or assignment of my mandatory training?

If you have questions regarding the content or assignment of a mandatory training, contact the training owner listed for the required training.

Can an extension be granted for an overdue training?

There are no exceptions for overdue trainings, except leaves of absences or system issues.  Plan accordingly to allow plenty of time to complete a training before the due date when you receive the initial system reminder notification.

  • One single day late equals "late".  An overdue training will auto generate overdue system notifications.
  • We are not able to grant extensions due to “workload”.
  • Extensions are granted for two reasons only:
    • bonafide system issues (issues that are experienced campus/systemwide, IDM/account issues, or issues related to training administration).  Issues between the user and their computer and/or the course cannot be granted extensions.
    • the due date falls during a leave of absence – in which case the training must be completed within 14 days of returning to work (user must notify and cc their manager regarding the leave).

UC Learning Center (UCLC) retains previous completions regardless of employment status.  An employee who rejoins UC Merced after a break in service (leave, separation) should check the status of their assigned training.  If an employee finds they went overdue during a leave of absence or break in service, they should complete the training immediately within 14 days upon return (because upon “active” status again, trainings automatically display as overdue based on the previous completion date).  And, unfortunately, the UCLC cannot track the dates of when an employee goes on leave and returns; it only tracks active/inactive status as displayed in UCPath.

How can I get a mandatory training status report of my employees?

Each division has a designated report liaison who can assist with training reports and questions, as needed by departments; see report liaisons.

Why am I receiving training notifications when I am no longer with the UC?

Mandatory trainings are assigned to UC employee who are “active” in the UCPath payroll system.

If you are no longer working for UC Merced, please ensure your supervisor submits separation paperwork with payroll to update your status in the UCPath payroll system. Once that happens, it will auto-update your UC Learning Center status and your required trainings will drop off.

It's important to note that until "both" systems are properly updated, you will continue to receive automated notifications.  Before contacting HR Training, your supervisor must ensure your status states "separated" in the UCPath payroll system.


What if an employee is no longer with the University, or in my unit, or under my supervision?
If an employee is no longer under your supervision, you must reach out to Payroll Services and submit proper payroll form.


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