Each division has a designated report liaison who can assist with training reports and questions, as needed by departments.
It's important to note that UC Learning Center (UCLC) data is directly imported from UCPath payroll system. Due to the constant change of data, if you find your report is missing a division, training, or employee, it is likely due to the update not yet completed in UCPath. Once UCPath is updated, there is a 2-day delay before UCLC is updated. Before contacting hrtraining, you must ensure the update is aleady completed in the UCPath payroll system. A "submission or request" to payroll does not mean the update has been processed in UCPath.
If you find a division or training is missing from your UCLC report AND have verfied the change has been updated in UCPath, please have your report laision contact hrtraining@ucmerced.edu.
Organization | Training Liaison / Point of Contact |
Chancellor's Organization |
Enrollment Management |
External Relations |
Facilities & Campus Operations |
Financial & Administrative |
Graduate Division |
Information Technology |
Office of Research |
Office of the Provost |
School of Engineering |
School of Natural Sciences |
School of SSHA |
Student Affairs |
Undergraduate Education |
University Library |