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Abusive Conduct in the Workplace

Effective January 1, 2023, the University of California issued a new Presidential Policy that defines and prohibits Abusive Conduct in the Workplace.

The UC Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace applies to all University employees, including administrators, staff, faculty, academic appointees, student employees, and non-affiliates. The Policy prohibits retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports abusive conduct, assists someone with a report of abusive conduct, or participates in an investigation or other process under the Policy.

What is Abusive Conduct:

Abusive Conduct may take many forms, including but not limited to conduct involving physical actions and/or verbal, non-verbal, electronic, or written communication. Abusive Conduct may include but is not limited to the following types of conduct:

  • Use of abusive and/or insulting language (written, electronic or verbal)
  • Spreading false information or malicious rumors
  • Behavior, language, or gestures that frighten, humiliate, belittle, or degrade, including criticism or feedback that is delivered with yelling, screaming, threats, implicit threats, or insults
  • Encouraging others to act, singly or in a group, to intimidate or harass other individuals
  • Making repeated or egregious comments about a person’s appearance, lifestyle, family, culture, country of origin, visa status, religious/spiritual/philosophical beliefs, or political views in a manner not covered by the University’s policies prohibiting discrimination
  • Teasing or making someone the brunt of pranks or practical jokes
  • Interfering with a person’s personal property or work equipment without a legitimate business or educational purpose
  • Circulating photos, videos, or information via e-mail, text messages, social media, or other means without a legitimate business or educational purpose

How to File a Complaint of Abusive Conduct:

Anyone may make a report alleging violations of the Abusive Conduct in the Workplace policy by sending an email to the appropriate office (from the chart below) with a description of the abusive conduct. Employees may also report abusive conduct to their manager or to any supervisor, who must immediately pass on the report to the appropriate office.

Complaints will be processed in accordance with UC Merced’s Local Implementing Procedures for Abusive Conduct Policy.

Reports Regarding Staff (including student employees)

Please complete Abusive Conduct Report Form and send the form in an email.

Human Resources (HR)

Reports Regarding Academic Appointees (including academic student employees)

Academic Personnel Office (APO)

Anonymous Reports

(provide as much detail as possible)

Locally Designated Official (LDO)



UC Merced Police Department (UCMPD)

911 or 209-CAT-COPS (209-228-2677)

When calling 911 from a phone on campus, you must dial 9+911


Confidential Resources:

Confidential resources do not disclose information about a complaint to a reportable office without the express permission of the individual who shared the information. However, they may disclose confidential information if and when there is a perceived imminent risk of physical harm. UC Merced offices that provide confidential resources include:

Resources for Staff (including student employees) 

Resources for Academic Appointments (including academic student employees)
Resources for Students

Related Training

The University of California is committed to promoting and maintaining a healthy working environment in which every individual is treated with respect. And therefore, the University requires that all staff, academic, and student employees complete the eCourse on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace. New hires (including student employees) will be required to complete this course within 90-days of hire.

The eCourse covers the following topics:

  • Overview: Recognize Abusive Conduct
  • Prevention: Identify strategies to prevent
  • Procedures: Follow procedures to report, and be familiar with the University’s response; and
  • Resources: Access additional information.

For more information regarding this required eCourse, please visit