The University of California Retirement Plan (UCRP) is a defined benefit program. Once vested, benefits include lifetime monthly retirement income, disability benefits, survivor income, and death benefits. Your monthly retirement income is determined by a formula based on your age, your years of UCRP service credit, and your highest average paid compensation for a continuous 3-year period. The employee and employer contribute to this plan. All eligible employees are automatically enrolled.
Some employees may have a separate account balance in UCRP known as the Capital Accumulation Payment (CAP)
Vesting in the Plan
Generally, vesting in UCRP requires 5 years UCRP service credit. However, you may be able to utilize reciprocity with CalPERS or an agreement with CalSTRS to vest in UCRP sooner.
Once vested in UCRP, there is also a Lump Sum Cash Out feature which an employee may select in lieu of a monthly pension.
Service Credit
You can find out how much service credit you have by logging in to your At Your Service Online account. In some cases, such as leaves of absence, you may be able to buy back service credit. The UCRP Service Credit Purchase Guide contains information on how to apply for buyback of retirement service credit.
Service Credit Requirement for Retiree Health Benefits
Retirement Estimates
There are two options to estimate your retirement income. The UCRP Benefits Estimator calculates an estimate of your future retirement income. Use this calculator if you have 5 years of UCRP service credit. This site will tell you how many years of UCRP service credit you have acquired, your CAP balance (if you have one) and provide you with retirement estimates at various ages. This estimator assumes you continue working until you retire.
The Lump Sum Cashout Factsheet has information on the lump sum provision.
The UCRP/CalPERS Reciprocity Factsheet contains eligibility rules for reciprocity with Cal/PERS.
The Qualified Domestic Relations (QDROS) Factsheet contains information for UCRP members and former spouse/domestic partners on dividing community property held by UCRS.
Learn about the plan provisions and policies of UCRP by reading the Summary Plan Description that applies to you.
- UCRP Summary Plan Description for Members with Social Security
- UCRP Summary Plan Description for Members without Social Security
- UCRP Summary Plan Description for Safety Members
- UCRP Summary Plan Description for 2013 Tier Retirement Plan
- UCRP Retirement Choice Program
Returning to Work After Retirement
When you are ready to retire, review the Steps to Retirement and contact the Retirement Administration Service Center by email or phone (800) 888-8267.