Basic Death Benefit
When an active, inactive, disabled, or retired member dies, UCRP pays a basic death benefit of $7,500 to the member's beneficiary, in addition to any monthly UCRP income that may be payable to eligible survivors or to the contingent annuitant. Beneficiaries of active, disabled, or inactive members also receive the CAP payment, if any.
Survivor Income
When you die, part of your retirement benefit is paid to your surviving spouse or surviving eligible domestic partner (if you were married or in a partnership continuously from one full year before retirement until your death), or if none, to your eligible children, or if none, to your eligible dependent parents.*
To Report a death
To report the death of an active, inactive, disabled or retired member, please call the Benefits Office at 209-228-2363 or UC Customer Service at 800-888-8267.
*For more details, please refer to the Summary Plan Description for the retirement plan that applies to you: