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Required Trainings

Systemwide Mandatory Trainings

List is not exhaustive and may differ based upon role, job description, job duties, workplace hazards and job hazard analysis.  Managers/employees are responsible for ensuring completion of all mandatory/required trainings. Due date is based upon date of hire or assignment date.

Training Due Frequency Required Audience Training Owner & Details
Abusive Conduct in the Workplace 90 days Once All UC employees, including student employees
  1. Academic Personnel; Employee &Labor Relations
  2. Training Details
Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals 42 days Annual All UC employees, including student employees
  1. Office of Information Technology
  2. Training Details
Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (ECBR) 90 days Every 2yrs All UC researchers, who receive federal funding to conduct research, as defined by UCOP
  1. Research Compliance & Integrity
  2. Training Details
General Compliance Briefing: UC Ethical Values and Conduct 90 days Once PAUSED - no current assignments (course being updated)
All UC employees, including student employees, not required to complete "UC Ethics and Compliance Briefing for Researchers (ECBR)"
  1. Ethics & Compliance
  2. Training Details
Introduction to Anti-Racism 12/30/24 Once No current assignments (pilot course ended 12/30/24)
UC employees who volunteered and received an invitation to complete training
  1. Division of Equity, Justice & Inclusive Excellence (EJIE)
Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention
42 days
90 days
Every 2yrs
Every 2yrs
All non-supervisory employees, including student employees
(except all Protective Services employees who are required annually to complete within 14 days of assignment)
(Supervisors, Faculty and MSP)
All faculty and supervisory employees, based on employee relations and classification codes per UCOP, or as listed direct reports from UCPath
(except all Protective Services employees who are required annually to complete within 14 days of assignment)
  1. Office for Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination
  2. Training Details (non-supervisor)
  3. Training Details (supervisor)
Workplace Violence Prevention Training 30 days Annual All UC employees, including student employees, except sworn law enforcement officers
  1. Workplace Violence Program Admin
  2. Training Details


Role-based Required Trainings

List is not exhaustive and may differ based upon role, job description, job duties, workplace hazards and job hazard analysis.  Managers/employees are responsible for ensuring completion of all mandatory/required trainings. Due date is based upon date of hire or assignment date.

Training Due Frequency Required Audience Training Owner & Details
CANRA Mandated Reporter 42 days Once UC employees, who are mandated reporters, as identified by training owner
  1. Risk Services
  2. Training Details
Clery Act Training for
Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
90 days Every 2yrs Campus Security Authorities (CSAs), as identified by training owner
  1. Clery Coordinator (Protective Services)
  2. Training Details
Export Controls for Research 14 days Every 2yrs UC researchers, who receive federal funding, as identified by training owner
  1. Research Compliance & Integrity
  2. Training Details
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 60 days Annual UC employees, who are granted access to student records, as identified by training owner
  1. Office of the Registrar
  2. Training Details
Form 700, Statement of Economic Interests 30 days Annual UC employees in a designated position in accordance with the positions assigned disclosure categories
  1. Conflict of Interest Coordinator (Office of Legal Affairs)
Laboratory Safety Training Varies Varies See training owner EH&S website
  1. Environmental Health & Safety
  2. Training Details
New Employee Orientation (NEO) 60 days Once (staff hired after July 1, 2017)
All non-faculty, non-academic, non-student staff
  1. Human Resources
  2. Training Details
Restricted Party Screening 14 days Annual  J-1 visa applicants, as identified by training owner
  1. Research Compliance & Integrity
  2. Training Details

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