To better prepare employees to fulfill compliance obligations, a comprehensive harassment and discrimination prevention training program is required for all UC employees. For information on the training requirement for all employees, view the University of California Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence.
This course is for employees who are not required to complete California’s AB1825-mandated training for supervisory employees. It provides information on preventing and responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment and what each of us can to do to make our UC culture safer for all.
Topics include recognize, prevent, respond and resources. This course meets requirements of 2 CCR 11024, California Government Code 12950.1, AB 1825/2053, 34 CFR 668.46 Violence Against Women Act, and UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, Abusive Conduct, and Anti-Discrimination.
Time to complete: ~1 hr
Requirement Details
Due | Frequency | Required Audience |
42 days | Every 2yrs | All non-supervisory employees, including student-employees (except for Protective Services unit) (except all Protective Services employees who are required annually to complete within 14 days of assignment) |
How to Complete Training
Complete training requirement through the UC Learning Center by clicking training below. Requires login with your UC Merced single-sign-on email credentials.
- If a direct training link fails, search by course name in the UC Learning Center (UCLC).
- Individuals who are assigned trainings will receive system notifications and can find the assignment listed in their UCLC required training analysis.
- Individuals who have not yet been assigned this training can find and complete the course by searching the UCLC by course name.
Training Owner/Contact
Questions regarding this training requirement or course content should be directed to:
Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
- Email:
- Website:
More Information
- A system-generated notification is sent to employees who are required to complete this assignment. An employee who does not receive an email, should check junk, spam, clutter, and other email folders.
- Failure to complete the assignment by the due date will have a negative impact on performance appraisal ratings and merit pay for policy-covered staff. Deans, chairs, and the Academic Senate will be involved to address noncompliance involving faculty.
- For technical issues with the UC Learning Center, visit the troubleshooting page at
- Learn how to navigate the UC Learning Center and view additional resources at