Overview of the importance and requirements of restricted party screening.
Topics include:
- Overview (define restricted party screening, understand the importance)
- Responsibilities (identify risks, recognize who is responsible for RPS)
- Requirements (follow RPS requirements, us e RPS tools, and escalate, as necessary)
- Location resources. CONTACT: Office of Research Compliance & Integrity, rci@ucmerced.edu.
Time to complete: ~20 mins
Requirement Details
Due | Frequency | Required Audience |
14 days | Annual | All J-1 visa applicants, as identified by training owner |
How to Complete Training
Complete training requirement through the UC Learning Center by clicking training below. Requires login with your UC Merced single-sign-on email credentials.
- If a direct training link fails, search by course name in the UC Learning Center.
- Individuals who are assigned trainings will receive system notifications and can find the assignment on their UCLC required training analysis.
- Individuals who have not yet been assigned trainings can find and complete the course by searching the UCLC by course name.
Training Owner/Contact
Questions regarding this training requirement or course content should be directed to:
Office of Research Compliance and Integrity
- Email: rci@ucmerced.edu
- Website: https://rci.ucmerced.edu/export-controls/restricted-party-screening
More Information
- A system-generated notification is sent to employees who are required to complete this assignment. An employee who does not receive an email, should check junk, spam, clutter, and other email folders.
- For technical issues with the UC Learning Center, visit the troubleshooting page at https://hr.ucmerced.edu/uclc-troubleshoot.
- Learn how to navigate the UC Learning Center and view additional resources at https://hr.ucmerced.edu/uclc-resources.