The Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) offers training to UC Merced faculty, staff and students in a variety of safety topics.
It is the responsibility of all supervisors, managers and principal investigators (PI) to identify job specific hazards, to provide job specific safety training and to require employees under their authority to participate in mandatory EH&S lead training.
Time to complete: varies
Requirement Details
Due | Frequency | Required Audience |
Varies | See EH&S course descriptions | Individuals as identified by their supervisor, manager and prinicipal investigator |
Access / Login
Access to the UC Learning Center is strictly for "active" UC employees in the UCPath payroll system only. If you have an active UCPath payroll account, it will autogenerate your UC Learning Center account. All new employees, including student employees, must wait for the systems to autogenerate their UC Learning Center access.
However, all "non-employees" who need training access, may request affiliate access. Lab students who are NOT employees, but require lab safety trainings, may find more information on the EH&S safety training website. A UC Merced NetID (email) is required. If you do not have a UC Merced email, you will need to obtain one PRIOR to submitting a request for access.
If you are an "active" student-employee in the UCPath payroll system, please read the instructions below carefully to prevent requesting the wrong affiliate access. Requesting the wrong access will severely impact and delay access.
- Students, who are NOT employees, may request affiliate access through the EH&S affiliate request webform.
- Do NOT submit an affiliate request if you are a student employee; see section for STUDENT EMPLOYEES. Requesting the wrong access will severely impact and delay access.
- Students, who are employees, MUST wait for their "active" UCPath payroll account to "auto generate" their UC Learning Center account.
- Do NOT submit an affiliate request to be added to the UCLC. If this happens and an affiliate account is created, access will be severely delayed due to additional troubleshooting and duplicate accounts now requiring a merge, which can take days/weeks to complete.
- Students in summer programs, who are NOT student employees in the UCPath payroll system, will need to request affliate access.
- Do NOT submit an affiliate request if you are a student employee; see Student Employees section. Requesting the wrong access will severely impact and delay access.
- For timely processing of students in summer programs, departments should submit a list of names directly to in the following format. Student MUST have a UC Merced email and must NOT be a student employee.
Student Name | UCM Email | IMPORTANT: Is student a "current" campus employee? |
IMPORTANT: If "no", has student "ever" been a former campus employee? |
John Smith | jsmith4321 | NO | YES |
Jane Doe | jdoe5678 | YES | --- |
How to Complete Training
Complete training requirement through the UC Learning Center. Requires login with your UC Merced single-sign-on email credentials.
Details regarding laboratory safety training requirement can be found on the EH&S website by selecting an option below.
- If a direct training link fails, search by course name in the UC Learning Center (UCLC).
- Individuals who are assigned trainings will receive system notifications and can find the assignment on their UCLC required training analysis.
- Individuals who have not yet been assigned trainings can find and complete the course by searching the UCLC by course name.
- Affiliates who are added to the UCLC are not assigned trainings and must search the UCLC by course name to complete the training.
Training Owner/Contact
Questions regarding this training requirement or course content should be directed to:
Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)
- Email:
- Website:
More Information
- Individuals who do not receive system notifications or emails should check junk, spam, clutter, and other email folders.
- For technical issues with the UC Learning Center, visit the troubleshooting page at
- Learn how to navigate the UC Learning Center and view additional resources at