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New Employee Orientation (NEO)

New Employee Orientation (NEO) is mandatory for all newly hired non-faculty, non-academic, non-student staff and registration is required. Direct supervisors are invited and encouraged to attend, participate and partner with their new employee during the in-person orientation. New staff members are expected to attend NEO within the first 60 days of starting employment with UC Merced. NEO is mandatory for represented and non-represented career staff and for all contract employees whose contract exceeds 12 months in duration.

Time to complete:  ~4.5 hrs


Requirement Details                                                                                                   

Due Frequency Required Audience
60 days Once (staff hired after July 1, 2017)
All non-faculty, non-academic, non-student staff


How to Complete Training

Complete training requirement through the UC Learning Center by clicking training below.  Requires login with your UC Merced single-sign-on email credentials.



  • If a direct training link fails, search by course name in the UC Learning Center (UCLC).
  • Individuals who are assigned trainings will receive system notifications and can find the assignment on their UCLC required training analysis.
  • Individuals who have not yet been assigned this training can find and complete the course by searching the UCLC by course name.


    Training Owner/Contact

    Questions regarding this training requirement or course content should be directed to:


    Human Resources


    More Information

    • A system-generated notification is sent to employees who are required to complete this assignment.  An employee who does not receive an email, should check junk, spam, clutter, and other email folders.
    • Failure to complete the assignment by the due date will have a negative impact on performance appraisal ratings and merit pay for policy-covered staff. Deans, chairs, and the Academic Senate will be involved to address noncompliance involving faculty.
    • For technical issues with the UC Learning Center, visit the troubleshooting page at
    • Learn how to navigate the UC Learning Center and view additional resources at