Applications are currently closed. Please watch for updates…
Step one: Mentees submit the application along with a copy of their resume. Mentors – submit a registration form.
Step two: The CAMP committee will select mentors and mentees to participate in the program. The CAMP coordinator will send out official acceptance notices to selected mentors and mentees.
Step three: The mentors attend an informational session at the beginning of the program to learn about the mentoring tips and best practices contained in the CAMP Mentor/Mentee Guidebook.
Step four: The mentors and mentees meet at the CAMP Welcome and Orientation Kick-off Reception. Mentors and mentees will learn about the CAMP and its intended outcomes. Mentors and mentees will have the opportunity to network with colleagues to learn personal and professional information, either by meeting new or reuniting with coworkers. Mentees will learn from mentors as they share information on their roles and what they are looking for in a mentee. Before the end of the CAMP Welcome and Orientation Kick-off Reception, mentees will complete a rank list of staff mentors (list of their top five) and submit the list to the CAMP Coordinator. Mentees will also create a rank order list of potential interviewees for both of the career interviews with campus leadership.
Based on the rank lists provided by mentees, the CAMP leadership committee will match mentors with mentees.
Step five: Official notices are sent to the mentees and mentors regarding the mentorship match and containing CAMP Guiding Handouts for Mentors and Mentees.