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Employee-initiated Reduction In Time: Other Considerations

Holiday Pay: Holiday pay will be prorated based on the employee’s ERIT appointment percentage.

Temporary Reduction in Time: Employees whose time was temporarily reduced either voluntarily or involuntarily prior to ERIT may request to participate in ERIT. Such employees may participate at their pre-ERIT reduced percentage time, subject to the requirement that their percentage time is at least 50% of full-time. Employees who receive notice of a temporary reduction in time also may request to participate in ERIT at the reduced percentage of time, provided that their reduced time is at least 50% of full-time.

Part-Time Employees: Employees whose regular appointments are part-time appointments may participate in ERIT, provided that they reduce their time under ERIT at least 5% of full-time and that their appointment percentage under ERIT is at least 50%.

Indefinite Layoff or Reduction in Time: In the event of a layoff or involuntary reduction in time, should one become necessary while an employee is participating in ERIT, participants will be granted right to recall and right to reemployment according to the ERIT participant’s pre-ERIT percentage of time, or severance according to the ERIT participant’s pre-ERIT percentage of time and salary.

Seniority for Indefinite Layoff: Seniority for purposes of determining the order of indefinite layoff will be maintained in accordance with a participant’s percentage of appointment before ERIT. If an employee’s position is being considered for layoff during ERIT, the employee’s seniority will be calculated based on the percentage of appointment before ERIT.

Transfer or Promotion to Another Position: If an employee is transferred or promoted to another position in the same or different department, continued participation in ERIT will be subject to approval by the new department head.

Exempt Employees: Although exempt employees normally are expected to work their appointment percentage, greater emphasis is placed on meeting the responsibilities of the employee’s position than on working a specified number of hours. Therefore, it is important that supervisors make appropriate workload adjustments for exempt employees who participate in ERIT.

Time Off Pay Status: Time off pay status, such as a leave without pay or a temporary layoff, will not automatically terminate or extend an ERIT contract. The department head will determine whether an employee’s ERIT contract will be terminated or extended but no such extension can be granted beyond June 30, 2017, unless the University extends the ERIT Program.