8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (both days)
June 11 – KL-359
June 12 – Promenade (Suite A Conf Room)
The Fidelity Investments Planning and Guidance Consultant will be at UC Merced on Thursday, June 11 (on Campus) and Friday, June 12 (at the Promenade) to meet one-on-one with interested faculty and staff to review their plans regarding retirement savings or other financial goals. Sessions are up to 45 minutes each and are by appointment only. To schedule an appointment online:
- Go to getguidance.fidelity.com/universityofcalifornia.
- Click the button for "one-on-one consultations”.
- Select the "University of California" link and choose your location from the drop-down list.
To schedule your appointment by phone, call 1-800-558-9182.
Don’t delay – spots fill up fast!
NOTE: Registration is required to secure your appointment. These sessions are subject to cancelation if not enough people register.