Joseph E. Gallo Recreation & Wellness Center
FREE lunch will be provided only to those who RSVP.
Deadline to RSVP is May 8, 2015.
(11:00 am - 2:00 pm)
Come and check out the local businesses and UC health vendors.
Enjoy a chair massage, receive blood pressure check, body fat testing, & more!
Door prizes awarded every 15 minutes starting at 11:15 am.
Please bring your CAT card for a quick sign in.
RSVP for a FREE lunch.
(8:45 am - registration begins)
Inside the Joseph E. Gallo Recreation & Wellness Center where
you can pick up your free t-shirt and lip balm, while supplies last.
2015 UC Walks Leaders:
(RSVP for UC Walks)
9:00am - Brian Powell, AVC Human Resources
9:30am - Chancellor Dorothy Leland / Kyle Hoffman, VC Development & Alumni Relations
10:00am - Graeme Mitchell, AVC Strategic Facilities Planning
10:30am - Donald Barclay, Interim University Librarian
11:00am - Mike Riley, AVC Business and Financial Services
11:30am - Michael Reese, VC for Business & Administrative Services
For more information, visit:
*UC Walks
*Wellness & Safety Fair
*Save the Date flyer