Financial protection for your dependents, in the event of your death, can play an important role in their future security. If you are eligible, you may additionally purchase Supplemental Life Insurance for yourself and your eligible family members. Click here for detailed information on Life Insurance coverage. To estimate the cost of life insurance use the Insurance Premium Calculator.
Note: If you are eligible for the Supplemental Life Insurance plan, you may enroll online during your period of initial eligibility (PIE).
If you wish to enroll after your PIE has expired, you must submit a completed short-form health statement questionnaire directly to Prudential Insurance Company. The insurance company may or may not approve your enrollment, so it is very important to consider enrolling in this plan during your initial PIE when you are first hired.
Core Life
Core Life provides $5,000 of life insurance.
Basic Life
The University of California pays for Basic Life insurance at no cost to eligible employees. Basic Life provides life insurance equal to your annual base salary up to $50,000. The coverage amount is based on your UC salary as of January 1 of each year.
Supplemental Life
Supplemental Life allows you to choose additional life insurance. You pay for the cost of Supplemental Life. You must be enrolled in Basic or Core Life to enroll in Supplemental Life.
- Flat amount of $20,000
- One times your annual salary, up to $250,000
- Two times your annual salary, up to $500,000
- Three times your annual salary, up to $750,000
- Four times your annual salary, up to $1 million.
Coverage is based on the full-time salary rate for your position as of January 1 of the current year, even if you work part-time.
Dependent Life
You pay for the cost of Dependent Life. You may choose only Basic Dependent Life or you may choose Expanded Dependent Life.
Basic Dependent Life provides life insurance in the amount of $5,000 coverage each for spouse or domestic partner and/or eligible children.
To cover your eligible family members under Expanded Dependent Life, you must be eligible for and enrolled in Supplemental Life. The cost of Supplemental Life Insurance depends on the plan(s) you choose, your age, and the amount of coverage you choose. Use the Life Insurance Premium Calculator for an estimate of your monthly premiums.
Note: To add this coverage for a spouse/eligible domestic partner after the initial period of eligibility requires a completed short-form health statement questionare and approval by the carrier. An eligible child can be added without a statement of health by navigating to UCPath Portal > Employee Actions > Health and Welfare > Life Events/Benefits Changes. Select the appropriate life event and the wizard will guide you through the update process.