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Conflict Resolution FAQ

Can the coach help me communicate with a co-worker?
Yes. The coach can help you identify ways to communicate with your co-worker.

Will the coach tell my supervisor I am working with the coach?
If you are partnering with the coach without your supervisor knowing, the coach will not be the one to inform your supervisor that you are working with the coach. You control when or if to involve your supervisor. Your continued success toward your goals may benefit from involving your supervisor, but you will be the one to decide if and when to involve them.

Can the coach help with an employee’s performance?
The coach’s focus is to help employee’s meet their goals in times of challenge or conflict. If the employee’s goals include improving performance, the coach can help the employee explore how to move toward that goal.

Can the coach communicate to my supervisor for me?
No. The coach will not communicate on behalf of anyone. If you need support in communicating with your supervisor, the coach can help you explore how to do that.

Who can use the coach?
Any employee who needs support in meeting their goals in times of challenge and conflict and is committed to taking a future-focused, growth-oriented and action-oriented perspective can use the services of the Conflict Resolution Coach.

Can the coach help me with my professional development or advancement?
The coach can help you be creative and resourceful to advance and develop professionally. However, engaging with the coach in a coaching relationship does not substitute for professional development training or professional mentoring.

I have a personal issue, can the coach help?
The coach cannot help with personal issues. If personal issues come up in the coaching process, the coach will help you find the appropriate referral to support you with the issue.

Can the coach help me deal with a sexual harassment or discrimination issue?
The coach cannot help you navigate a sexual harassment or discrimination issue, unless a report has been filed and resolved by the Office of Prevention, Harassment, and Discrimination (OPHD) and the OPHD, all parties involved, and the Conflict Resolution Coach agree that engaging with the coach is appropriate. The Conflict Resolution Coach is a Responsible Employee and therefore required to report disclosures or evidence of sexual harassment, discrimination or retaliation.

The Privacy Policy says written communication is not considered private. Does that include emails or texts?
Yes. Any written communication or document is not considered private. The coach will discuss with you how to best communicate with you to respect your privacy.

Can the coach work with my direct report and give them feedback about their job performance?
No. The coach cannot give feedback relating to job performance. Such feedback remains the supervisor’s responsibility. If you are having difficulties delivering this feedback, the coach can support you in this process.

Can the coach come to me or can we work via teleconference?
The coach can come to you or teleconference. Typically, the initial meetings and multi-party meetings will be held in person. When in person meetings are needed, an appropriate venue will be identified. Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, all services will be performed through the teleconferencing platform Zoom.

I have been sponsored by my supervisor for coaching. Do I have to do it?
The coach will not force you to participate in a coaching relationship. If your supervisor has sponsored you for coaching and you are not interested, you need to let your supervisor know and understand what the alternatives are to working with the coach.

Can I sponsor my supervisor or a lateral co-worker for coaching?
No. Sponsoring employees is only for supervisors or university processes who have responsibility over employee’s performance, growth and development.

Will participating in coaching go on my employee record or in my personnel file?
Participating in coaching on its own will not go on your employee record or in your personnel file. However, if you are offered coaching to support you in meeting your goals as a part of a formal university process, the coach cannot guarantee how non-private documents or reports will be used. As an employee you have the right to view what is in your personnel file at any time. Please contact to review your personnel file.


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