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CLA Curriculum


Participant Experience

Participants interact with internal and external experts in faculty and administrators to discuss issues such as the University’s relationship to the state legislature, academic preparation initiatives, capital planning and construction, supervision and management, and perspectives on student services. 

Session 1: Personal Leadership - Leading Oneself (2 days)
This session beginsbefore the workshop with a 360 assessment from your employees, colleagues and supervisor. The workshop covers several actionable learning outcomes to help develop yourself as a leader. These learning outcomes include self-reflectiveand strategic approaches toyour career trajectory grounded in your strengths, experiences and aspirations; readiness in communications, negotiations, influence and design; and preparation for the moments of potential challenge or derailment, including transitions and collaboration.

Session 2: Leadership - Talent Management and Development
Higher education needs innovative, forward-looking leaders committed to their continuous growth and the development of their teams. With an ever expanding, boundary to our competitive labor market, we see research continue to underscore the positive impact on engagement and retention of our people. Especially when development and career opportunities are afforded, and leadership invests or supports the growth and development plans of our people. Participants gain entry-level understanding of the power of developing and articulating a compelling vision as well as setting goals and objectives that align with the institution’s strategic plan. Each participant will compare and contrast individual, unit, and team goals and objectives against their existing talent pool to understand they key components of developing a workforce plan that will help identify talent gaps as well as opportunities for development and career growth.

Session 3: Financial Leadership - The Dollars and Sense of UC Merced 
Participants will be introduced to the “big picture” of funding in higher education.  As they review the flow of finances into the institution, they will also gain exposure to required fiscal components such as budget planning, budget call, funding sources, funding types, and requisite fiscal regulations, mandates, and policies. In addition to an overview of funding from the State, tuition, and extramural funds, this session will also explore emerging and existing funding opportunities while asking the question: what is your role in funding and fiscal matters?

Session 4: Inclusive Leadership - The Strength of Diversity
This workshop examines the meaning and implications of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the context of higher education and how it increases institutions’ ability to increase their Return on Investment (ROI). The workshop also examines structures and programming at UC Merced and how participants can contribute to their success. Participants will have an opportunity to explore their bias and learn techniques to decrease bias impact(s) on decision-making.

Session 5: Visionary Leadership - A Plan of Action to Build
Fellows explore how, as leaders, they can create the conditions for change by learning about the nature of leading in higher education and expanding their own capacity to contribute to innovation within their institutions. This workshop provides the background for understanding how higher education has evolved to the present day. Fellows will consider the current state of their own institutions and will begin to identify opportunities for innovation on their campus.

Session 6: Dynamic Leadership - Leading in today's changing Environment
The dominant model of higher education is rooted in an industrial age that favored a rigid, hierarchical system. The 21st-century economy demands a more flexible system, led with a focus on innovation, collaboration, and creativity. Fellows will gain perspective on how to lead within and across the system, drawing upon the dynamics of organizational change. By learning how to better see the structures, cultures and realities of the organization, fellows will answer the question: What is my institution designed to do?  How do things actually "get done" on a college or university campus? They will look at systemic issues, and will imagine what high-performing universities might look like in the future, as both teaching and research enterprises.

Session 7: Graduation and Dinner
A celebration of the work and development within the cohort as well as across the teams, leaders, and campus collaborators who provided the opportunities, support, and input to our CLA cohort. Participants will share outcomes from their project/priority works, leaders will speak to their impact and development, and program staff/faculty will offer closing remarks with appreciation AND recognition for the commitment to the program and the campus community. Evening celebration with poster session and dinner. 

For more information:

Please contact or review our FAQ page if you have any questions about the Chancellor's Leadership Academy.