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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Coaching is a private process and the coach invites the partner to openly explore their goals and challenges in their coaching relationship. Please note that the coach is a “Responsible Employee” and therefore there are some exceptions to privacy. These exceptions include (1) threats of violence; (2) plans to conceal or conduct criminal activity; (3) if parties are at risk of causing harm to themselves or others; (4) written communication; (5) the Coaching Partnership Agreement; (6) documented agreements or summary reports; (7) the Coaching Sponsorship Agreement and any exceptions outlined in the Coaching Sponsorship Agreement, if applicable; or (8) if there is evidence or disclosure of violation of the below University of California Policies:

The coach may disclose whether coaching sessions occurred and whether agreements or action items were made. Additional non-identifying disclosures may be made to support UCM identify and address campus-wide issues and challenges. Notes taken by the coach during the coaching partnership are private and for the sole use of the coach to best support partners and will be destroyed at the end of the coaching relationship. Only notes that pertain to potential or actual violations of the above five UC Policies or threats of violence may be retained and/or discovered by a formal University of California intervention process.

A Coach’s Commitment to Privacy

Confidential Resources

If you are a staff member in need of a fully confidential support office, please see the below resources:


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